
The Champion’s Legacy: Constantin Bejenaru’s Boxing Gym in Milford

In the heart of Milford, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, there's a place where dreams take shape and champions are made....

The Champion’s Legacy: Constantin Bejenaru’s Boxing Gym in Milford

In the heart of Milford, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, there's a place where dreams take shape and champions are made....

Tatiana Verega’s online dance and fitness studio got attractive to many Americans

Tatiana Verega, a Moldovan dancer, has achieved a world record for planking. She is famous for her successes in the dance world, especially in...

Lack of good nutrition is the reason for many diseases and mental health issues

Cătălina Grija, a native of Bucharest, Romania, Doctor of Functional Medicine at Whole Life Wellness Club, who has 23-years of experience in Internal Medicine,...

“Am văzut atâția morți din cauza COVID-ului, oameni pe care nu îi pot uita nici azi!”

Liudmila Budeanu este originară din satul Ulmu, raionul Ialoveni, care în 2009 s-a mutat în SUA după absolvirea liceului din București. A locuit primii...
in America Hora

Lack of good nutrition is the reason for many diseases and...

Cătălina Grija, a native of Bucharest, Romania, Doctor of Functional Medicine at Whole Life Wellness Club, who has 23-years of experience in Internal Medicine,...
in America Hora

Romanian American MTV anchor: „When you have a big dream in...

At the tender age of 20, Lisa Kennedy Montgomery became a breakout personality at MTV, combining coverage of alternative music with political news starting...
in America Hora

Man in Fashion Industry believes Happiness and Beauty starts from within...

Andrei Razmeritsa, for the first 15 years of his life, was raised in the Republic of Moldova with a large Eastern European family of...
in America Hora

Moldoveanca de la Project Runway și-a deschis o nouă colecție de...

  Victoria Cocieru s-a născut în satul Lunga din Moldova. Pasiunea ei din copilărie era să coase rochii pentru păpuși, ca mai apoi să meargă...
in America Hora

“După ce te-ai fript odată, sufli şi-n iaurt”, meditații de Andreea...

Andreea Rebaltescu-Coca | WASHINGTON DC | Cei care pornesc singuri la drum, în urmărirea unui vis propriu, au de regulă multe lucruri în comun....
in America Hora

Descoperă deliciile Mariei din copilărie, care pot fi degustate în Chicago

MARIA LUPAȘCU | Chicago | Pentru ediția online a revistei HORA in America am ales prajitura de mousse cu afine, care mi-a facut cu...