
The Racists Among Us: The inconvenient talk within former Soviet Union

IRINA VANPATTEN | SEATTLE | In the light of the Black Lives Matter movement in America, it is time for us, ex-Soviets and Eastern...

Aliens with Extraordinary Abilities is a story of Moldovan immigrants played in Chicago

Saviana Stănescu is a poet, playwright and Romanian-American journalist. In the US, she is known for incredible plays about immigrants, that are performed in...
in America Hora

The Racists Among Us: The inconvenient talk within former Soviet Union

IRINA VANPATTEN | SEATTLE | In the light of the Black Lives Matter movement in America, it is time for us, ex-Soviets and Eastern...
in America Hora

Aliens with Extraordinary Abilities is a story of Moldovan immigrants played...

Saviana Stănescu is a poet, playwright and Romanian-American journalist. In the US, she is known for incredible plays about immigrants, that are performed in...